About Us
We are a company founded in 2011.The head office is located at 60, Maniema Avenue in the town of Lubumbashi in the province of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The company is specialized in supplying heavy and light mining equipment for the benefit of mining companies, construction, transport, procurement and mining services.
Our goals
- To provide good quality services, equipment and maintenance in order to satisfy our customers’ needs.
- To build a long term relationship with our customers by providing effective and efficient Customer service

Happy Clients We've been always satisfaying our customer's needs through the qualitty of our services and our unbeatable timing.
Orders More than 5000 orders successfuly completed.
Years of experience Through the years, we've been evolving and acquiring the necessary experience in order to always meet more than our customers expectations.
Awards The quality of our services and produtcs have been granted several times with many awards as a recognition of our well done job.
CHRISTINA TRADING is specialised in the supply of indutrial equipments (spare parts,...), logistics and civil engineering works related to mining sector and others.
Engineering maintenance
Maintenance, repairing of light and heavy equipment and reconditioning of mechanical equipment.
Connection of pipes in exhaust circuit
Underground ,open pit mine and concentrator in discharging circuit.
Drilling(determination of the drilling pattern, drilling plan development and
Hydraulic rig drilling)
Mining (development of mining scheme,...
Our Parteners
We collaborate with large international companies

Our Clients
our services/products are supplied locally in these companies:
Collaborating with
our services/products are supplied locally in these companies:
Our technical department offers multiple services in maintenance, repairing and reconditioning of mechanical equipment. We give a best quality of refer to the technical normalization using an appropriate technology concerning maintenance, renovation and repairing of mechanical equipment. We satisfied our customer a requirement and offer them a good quality of job

General manager
Financial and Administration manager
Marketing Director
Administrative AssistantGallery
supplying of materials, components and equipments commonly use in the mining sector, maintenance, and constructions.
Contact Us
Christina Trading SARL
60 Maniema street
Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, RDC